2003 – Andhra Pradesh Direct
Recruitment of Teachers under Rule 10 (a) of Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996 - Orders – Issued.
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G.O.MS.No.20 Dated: 31.01.2005.
Read the following:-
1. G.O.Ms.No.72, Edn. (SE-Ser.VII)
Dept., Dated: 03.07.2000.
2. G.O.Ms.No.75, Edn. (SE-Ser.VII)
Dept., Dated: 19.06.2001.
3. G.O.Ms.No.136, Edn. (SE-Ser.VII)
Dept., Dated: 13.11.2003.
4. G.O.Ms.No.137, Edn. (SE-Ser.VII)
Dept., Dated: 13.11.2003.
5. Notification for Recruitment of
Teacher – 2003 issued by C&DSE, A.P.,
Hyderabad, Dated:13.11.2003.
6. From the C&DSE, Hyderabad
Dated:30.11.2003 & 31.01.2005.
7. Hon’ble High Court Judgment in
W.P.No.11325/2000 & Batch, Dated:
8. Andhra Pradesh State and
Subordinate Service Rules, 1996.
O R D E R:
In terms of the conditions laid down in G.O. 1 st read above, the
Commissioner and Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh,
Hyderabad was accorded permission to issue notification for Direct Recruitment of Teachers in
Government / Zilla Parishad / Mandal Parishad Schools under various categories of posts in G.O. 4 th read above.
2. Accordingly, the Commissioner and Director of School, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad has issued notification for Direct Recruitment of Teachers-2003
on 13.11.2003 in the reference 5 th read above.
3. In the reference 6 th read above, the Commissioner and Director of Schools
Education, Andhra Pradesh,
Hyderabad has requested the
Government to issue instructions for appointment of Teachers – DSC 2003 in view of the Judgment issued by Hon’ble High Court in
W.P.No.11325/2000 and batch,
4. It is understood from the above
paras, that the notification was issued
on 13.11.2003, and a written test was conducted on 4 th, 5th and 6 th April,2004 and results were already released on 11.06.2004. There is an acute need of instruction in many
schools without teachers, which
affects quality of education due to non filling up of 16,449 teacher posts in the State.
// 2 //
5. After careful consideration of the entire issue, the Government hereby permit the Director of School Education, Andhra Pradesh,
Hyderabad to issue appointment
orders to the selected candidates of DSC-2003 under Rule 10 (a) of Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1996.
6. All the appointment orders issued as per the above 5 th para, shall be subject to conditions of judgments issued by the Hon’ble Courts from time to time and final outcome of SLP
pending in the Hon’ble Supreme
Court of India.
7. The period of apprenticeship for the teachers so appointed shall be as
per the terms laid down in G.O. 2nd read above. The posting orders to
selected candidates shall be issued by
conducting counseling. To have more transparency on conduct of
counseling, detailed guidelines are
given in the Annexure enclosed to this G.O.
8. The Director of School Education,
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad is
directed to prepare and issue the
Schedule for the Selection of teachers and posting of selected candidates of
DSC-2003 through Counseling.
9. This order issued with the
concurrence of Finance Department vide their U.O.No.9432/522/ESE/2004,
Dated: 29.12.2004.
10. A copy of this G.O. is also available
on .
The Director of School Education,
Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad
All the District Collectors-cum-
Chairman, DSC-2003 /
District Educational Officers in the
State / Z.P. Chairmans
In the State through DSE, Hyderabad.
The Commissioner of Panchayat Raj,
A.P., Hyderabad.
The Pay and Accounts Officer, A.P.,
The D.T.A., A.P., Hyderabad.
Copy to P.S. to Hon`ble Chief
Copy to OSD to Hon`ble Minister
(School Education).
Copy to Finance (ESE) Department.
EDN.( SER.VII) DEPT., Dated:
1.The following committees have
been constituted to issue
appointment orders to the candidates
selected by the DSC-2003 by the
method of counseling.
2.Schedule for selection of
Candidates and conduct
of counseling. The Director of school
Education shall issue
time schedule for selection of
and conduct of counseling for issue of
posting orders.
3.Mandal Level The Mandal Level
Committee consists of
Committee:- the following for conduct
of counseling for issue of posting
orders :-
1. President, Mandal Parishad as
Chairperson of the committee.
2. Mandal Parishad Development
Officer as Member.
3. Mandal Educational Officer as
The Committee shall be the
competent authority for issue of
posting orders to the selected SGBT
candidates of DSC-2003 in Primary
Schools and Upper Primary Schools
within the Mandal.
The Member-Secretary shall be the
competent authority to issue Posting
Orders to the selected candidates
under Rule 10(a) of Andhra Pradesh
State and Subordinate Service Rules.
4.District Level Committee : The
District Level Committee is constituted
for conduct of counseling for issue of
posting orders and allotment of
1. Chairperson, Zilla Parishad as
Chairperson of the Committee.
2. Joint Collector or an officer not
below the rank of Joint Collector
nominated by
District Collector as Member
3. District Educational Officer as
The Committee shall be the
competent authority to issue Posting
Orders to the selected candidates of
DSC 2003 in all the High Schools/
Upper Primary Schools except the
SGBTs in Primary and Upper Primary
// 2 //
The Committee shall also be the
competent authority for allotment of
selected candidates for the posts of
SGBTs in Primary/Upper Primary
schools in the Mandals.
The Member-Secretary shall be the
competent authority to issue posting
orders under Rule 10(a) of Andhra
Pradesh State and Subordinate
Service Rules and allotment orders to
the SGBTs to the Mandals.
5. Classification of
Habitations / towns The Habitations/
towns shall be classified into the
following Category namely:-
(a) Category-I: All Habitations/towns
where 20% HRA
is admissible.
(b) Category-II: All Habitations /
Towns where 12.5%
HRA is admissible.
(c) Category-III: All Habitations/Towns
Where 10% HRA is admissible but
having Bus/Train facilities.
(d) Category-IV: All Habitations/Towns
where 10% HRA is admissible, but not
having Bus/Train facilities within a
radius of 3 kms, from the school point
to the Bus Stop / Railway station.
6. Verification of PH
Certificates: In respect of Physically
candidates, a team of Government
doctors in the field may be requested
to examine the genuineness of the
certificates. G.O.Ms.No.56, WD, CW &
DW Dept., Dt:02.12.2002 shall be
The Women candidates shall be
against the vacancies in girls
// 3 //
7.Listing of Vacancies: 1. The vacancies
shall be arrived by the concerned
inspecting officers in respect of
Primary, Upper Primary and High
Schools media-wise and area-wise in all the four categories as classified above.
2. The number of vacancies to be filled
by Direct Recruitment shall be arrived
by the District Educational Officer in
the entire District, category-wise,
media-wise and area wise for all the
categories of posts.
3.The District Educational Officer shall
notify the vacancies for counseling,
basing on the number of candidates
selected category-wise, and medium-
4. The Vacancies notified shall not be
more than the number of candidates
selected in each of the category and
8. A) The total number of vacancies to
the posts of School Assistants,
Language Pandits Gr.I, Language
Pandits Gr.II and PETs subject-wise,
medium/language-wise in respect of
Upper Primary Schools and High
Schools shall be arrived as follows:
Name of the Post:
Medium/Language:- Subject:
Number of vacancies in upper primary
schools and high schools
Located in category IV area
Located in category III area
Located in category II area
Located in category I area
The number of vacancies to be
identified and displayed for
counseling shall be arrived as
a. If the number of vacancies in
Category IV are more than the
number of candidates selected and
eligible for appointment, then such
vacancies shall be notified. This
number shall be arrived by taking the
acute need of the posts to be filled up
in the school.
If the number of vacancies in Category
IV are equal to the number of
candidates selected and eligible for
appointment, then all the vacancies
shall be notified.
// 4 //
b. If the number of vacancies in
Category IV are less than the number
of candidates selected and eligible for
appointment, then all the vacancies in
Category IV are to be notified. For the
remaining candidates, the vacancies in
Category III area are to be notified
and be made equal to the number of
candidates selected and eligible for
appointment. This number shall be
arrived by taking into the acute need
to filled up the posts in the Schools.
The same procedure is to be followed
for Category II and I areas in a
8 (B) The total number of vacancies to
the posts of Secondary Grade
Teachers, medium-wise, subject-wise
in respect of Primary Schools, Upper
Primary Schools and High Schools
shall be arrived as follows:
Secondary Grade Teachers
Medium/Language:- Subject:
Name of the Mandal
No. of vacancies in Primary and Upper
Primary schools
Located in category IV area
Located in category III area
Located in category II area
Located in category I area
Number of vacancies in High Schools
Located in category IV area
Located in category III area
Located in category II area
Located in category I area
The vacancies notified for counseling,
shall be equal to the number of
candidates selected and eligible for
// 5 //
If the number of vacancies are more
and the number of candidates are
the following procedures shall be
If the number of vacancies in Category
IV are more than the number of
candidates selected and eligible for
appointment, then the vacancies shall
be notified in such a way that, the
number of vacancies to be leftover in
each unit of appointment are one and
the same to the maximum possible
If the number of vacancies in Four
Mandals and in High Schools Unit in
Category IV area are as follows:-
A. Mandal - 50
B. Mandal - 30
C. Mandal - 20
D. Mandal - 10
High School Unit - 10
Total 120
If the number of candidates selected
and eligible for appointment are 70
only, the number of candidates
allotted to the vacancies in each
Mandal shall be as follows:-
A. Mandal - 40
B. Mandal - 20
C. Mandal - 10
D. Mandal - 0
High School Unit - 0
See that, in each Mandal there shall
be 10 vacancies left for unfilled
a. The number of vacancies in
category IV area are equal to the
number of candidates selected and
eligible for appointment, then all the
vacancies shall be notified for
b. If the number of vacancies in
Category IV area are less than the
number of candidates selected and
eligible for appointment, then all the
vacancies in Category IV area are to be
notified. For the remaining candidates
the vacancies in Category III area are
to be notified as indicated above. The
same procedure is to be followed for
Category II and I areas in a sequence.
// 6 //
The candidates shall be allotted to
Mandals and High Schools Unit purely
on their merit only.
9. Notification of After arriving the
number of vacancies to
Vacancies and be notified ( i.e., equal
to the number of
Processing of candidates selected),
the vacancies shall be
Counseling: displayed unit-wise i.e.
Mandal level Posts
for each Mandal and District level
posts in the notice board in the
Offices of District Education Officer,
Zilla Parishad and Collectorate. The
lists shall be supplied to the
candidates on payment of Rs.1/- for
two pages.
The list of selected candidates for
counseling shall also be displayed at
the Offices of District Educational
Officer, Zilla Parishad and Collectorate
and at the venue of the counseling.
The District Level committee shall call
the candidates in the order of merit
for the counseling.
1. The candidates shall be allotted as
per their preference to the Mandal
Level posts. None will be allotted to
native Mandals .
2. The District Level Committee shall
give the number of candidates allotted
and the number of vacancies to be
filled by the Mandal Level committee
vacancy-wise and area-wise in all
categories i.e. Category-I Category-II,
category-III and Category-IV.
10. Counseling for 1. The District Level
Committee shall issue
District Level posting orders to the
candidates who opted
Posts: for the District level posts in the
order of preference:-
i. Physically handicapped.
ii. Women
iii. Men
The order of merit shall be followed in
each of the above 3 categories.
11. Counseling for Mandal After
allotting the candidates to the Mandal,
Level posts: the Mandal level
Committee shall issue
posting orders in the following order
preference only as per the vacancies
given by the District level committee
by counseling:-
i. Physically handicapped.
ii. Women
iii. Men
// 7 //
12. Issue of Orders: On exercising
such a choice by the candidates, the
Member-Secretary of the Committee
shall issue posting orders then and
there under Rule 10(a) of A.P.S.S.S.R.
duly deleting the vacancy from the list
of vacancies.
13. Completion of This exercise shall
continue till all
Counseling :- the candidates are
covered as per the time frame and
schedule communicated by the
Director of School Education.
14. Display on the The list of
candidates who have
Notice Board: given posting orders
shall also be displayed on the Notice
Board on the day of counseling. If any
change/modification in postings are
made after display of the list, the
Member-Secretary concerned shall be
personally held responsible and
severe disciplinary action shall be
taken against him.
15. Procedure for Removal A show
cause notice shall be issued to the
of names in the selected candidates
who have not attended
Selection list:- for verification of
certificates and counseling for issue of
posting orders in between 25th and
28th February as to why their names
shall not be removed from the
selection list. A final order shall be
issued to all the non-respondents to
the show cause notice stating that
their names have been removed from
the selection list and they have no
claim over it at any time in future. This
shall be sent by Registered post with
acknowledgement due. This orders
shall be issued by the DEO after a
month from the date issue of Show
16. Responsibility The Member-
Secretary concerned shall
Of the Officer:- ensure that the norms
and procedures are observed while
conducting counseling and issuing
posting orders. He shall be personally
held responsible for any deviation.
// 8 //
17. Appeal: Any appeal against the
District Level Committee/Mandal level
committee shall be submitted to the
DSE within fifteen days from the date
of receipt of such orders. The DSE,
Hyderabad in turn, shall examine
such cases, and pass appropriate
orders within one month from the
date of receipt of such petition.
18. Powers of Director The Director of
School Education may
Of School Education either suo-motto
or on application from any person
aggrieved by the orders of Mandal
Level Committee or District level
committee may call for and examine
the records in respect of any
proceedings of posting orders to
satisfy himself about the regularity,
legality or propriety of such postings.
If, in any case, it appears to the DSE
that any such proceedings shall be
modified, annulled or reversed or
remitted for reconsideration, he may
pass orders accordingly. The Director
of School Education may stay any
such order for implementation.
19. Punishment: The candidates who
have submitted false information
suppressed the facts or submitted
false or certificates and the Officers
who have countersigned for scrutiny
of certificates shall be liable for
disciplinary action as per rules in
addition to filing criminal cases
against them. The Member-Secretary
who had issued orders in violation of
rules, instructions issued by the
Director of School Education from
time to time in the matter shall be
liable for disciplinary action as per
rules. Any violation of the rules by the
committee should be brought to the
attention of the Director of School
Education, immediately.
No posting order shall be issued after
the scheduled dates. The permission
shall be obtained from the DSE for
any orders to be issued after the
scheduled period.
Do you have the first notification i.e released on 13.11.2003